Copenhagen, Denmark

1991 - 1995

Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek

The extension of one of Copenhagen's most acknowledged art museums illuminates the past through a rich sequence of daylight infusions and blacked out rooms, where history can fully unfold.

Project details


Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek


Culture, Transformation


Originally designed by Vilhelm Dahlerup in 1897, the Glyptotek has always put a focus on architecture that promotes light. It’s winter garden, featuring an iconic dome structure, creates a warm light in the green space, while the central hall’s glass roof creates a sense of openness reminiscent of a Roman forum.

Our design compliments this history of the building, with a marble staircase that exhibits an interplay between light and shadow, our extension to the museum continues its traditional emphasis on natural light.

Only open during daylit hours, the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek was originally created as a daylight museum. Today, despite the imperative role of artificial lighting in protecting the artworks, daylight still plays a pivotal part in how the listed museum building is experienced. Rasmus Hjortshøj, 2024
One of Henning's original sketches from the competition phase. The proposal was based on the concept of placing art within an illuminated shrine; "an enclosed house in the light". Henning Larsen, 1992

Preserving history

Henning Larsen's extension is located in the museum's former conservation area. The extension is separated from the rest of the museum by a broad, gently rising, glass-covered marble stairway that leads up to the three exhibition floors and onwards up to a rooftop terrace. Our extension measures up to updated security standards for handling antique art.

The adjustable climate management ensures the continued preservation of both the museum's own and borrowed art works and makes it possible for the museum to bring international works and exhibitions to Copenhagen. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek presents antique art in an intense interaction between architecture and works.

The groundfloor and section from the competition showing the extension placed in the Konservatorgården - The Coservatorøs courtyard - inside the previous extension from 1906 by architect Hack Kampmann. Visitors access the 1996 extension through the Winter Garden tucked inside Vilhelm Dahlerup’s building from 1897.


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Portrait of Louis Becker

Louis Becker

Global Design Principal

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