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Join the dialogue as we launch a series of events to continue the conversation on 'Changing Our Footprint'

Central to the ambition of our new exhibition ‘Changing Our Footprint’, is the willingness to embrace new knowledge as a key design driver. Now, after a lively opening discussion, the conversation continues with a series of panel debates – A dialogue with Henning Larsen.

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Running from Wednesday 22nd February to Tuesday 14th March, we are hosting a series of panel debates at Aedes Architecture Forum in Berlin. Key experts and stakeholders will come together on stage to frame and debate the challenges, solutions and innovations faced by the industry on water management, adaptive reuse, biomass and timber construction.

This stage itself is a manifestation of the ambition that the exhibition should be a space of accountability and learning; a space to broaden horizons and challenge preconceptions; a space for knowledge sharing. Built of various ready-to-use floor, wall, and ceiling materials, the stage exhibits the materials by ranking them according to their Global Warming Potential, or the amount of carbon equivalents (CO2e), associated with the production phases of their lifecycles. Their width is corresponding to the amount of carbon the materials either sequester (to the le ) or emit (to the right). The wider the panel the better its environmental impact.

Join the dialogue! 

02/22: Water Management

Today’s most pressing water management challenges can only be understood within the broad context of the world’s socio-economic systems. Sustainable and equitable water management calls for an integrated approach among various experts and stakeholders on a local and global scale. How can we learn from each other to make water a key consideration? Join us in a discussion about how we can design with water as a life-giving resource and create nature-based solutions that mitigate natural disasters such as floods and droughts.


Julian Schwarze, Spokesperson for Urban Development, Green Party,
Berlin House of Representatives
Samuel Pearson, Environmental Engineer, Berliner Regenwasseragentur
Grit Diesing, Urban Planner, Berliner Regenwasseragentur
Johanna Reisch, Director Hamburg, Landscape Architect AKHH,
Henning Larsen


Lena Flamm, Managing Director, bgmr Landschaftsarchitekten​


22 February 2022; 5-7 pm



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02/23: Adaptive Reuse

The construction industry makes up an estimated third of the world's overall waste and at least 40% of the world's carbon dioxide emissions. As many of Earth’s resources are being depleted, and as many buildings become disused, it’s critical that we make greater efforts to reuse built structures. Join us in a discussion about how we can tap into the existing building stock of cities to minimize the consumption of scarce resources, preserve heritage, cut costs, and reduce landfill waste generated by our industry.


Dr. Christoph Rauhut, State Conservator & Director of the Berlin
Heritage Authority
Margit Sichrovsky, Architect BDA, Partner, LXSY Architekten
Annabelle von Reutern, Head of Business Development, Concular
Werner Frosch, Managing Director Germany, Partner, Henning Larsen


Wiebke Ahues, Studio Director Berlin, Henning Larsen


23 February 2023; 5-7 pm



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03/07: Biomass & Timber

Wood and other organic materials are the only construction materials that can store carbon dioxide and therefore have a negative CO2 balance in production, even after accounting for the energy required in processing. Concrete and steel, in comparison, have many times the CO2 emissions of wooden structures. Conscious material choices are now more important than ever. Join us in a discussion about how wood and other organic materials can solve many of the problems faced by the building industry today, while enhancing architectural experiences and healthy spaces.


Helge Kunz, Dipl.-Ing. Architect, Head of Timber Construction,
blocher partners
Elise Pischetsrieder, Dipl.-Ing. Architect AKB/SIA/BDA, Manager, weberbrunner berlin
Søren Øllgaard, Design Director Europe, Partner, Henning Larsen


Fabia Baumann, Structural Design Engineer, Timber Expert, Henning Larsen


7 March 2023; 5-7 pm



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03/14: Concrete & Robotics

How can we transform concrete to make it more Earth-friendly? Can robotics support more sustainable construction methods? Join us in a discussion about how technological explorations and digital fabrication of custom-made concrete structures can offer significant material savings and new architectural opportunities – all at lower costs when compared to traditional construction. 


Dr. Christoph Gengnagel, Prof. Dr. -Ing. UdK Berlin; Partner, Director, Bollinger+Grohmann
Troels Dam Madsen, Associate Design Director – Digital Practice,
Henning Larsen
Maria Wyller, Architect, Chipperfield Berlin


Marcin Wojciech Żebrowski, Podcast Host, Urbcast;
Business Developer, Henning Larsen​


14 March 2023; 5-7 pm



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All events will include a tour of the exhibition 'Changing Our Footprint'. 

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