Offenbach, Germany

2007 - 2021

Offenbach Harbour

Creating a green space on the banks of the River Main – in a formerly industrial port that had been closed to the public for decades – our design for Offenbach Harbor includes parks, squares, play and relaxation areas that have transformed the site into an activated urban district, adapted to the vulnerability of a changing climate.

Project details


Mainviertel Offenbach GmbH & Co. KG


Urban districts and masterplans, Transformation, Climate adaptation


Offenbach Harbor on the River Main in Frankfurt, formerly a contaminated industrial peninsula, is now a renewed multifunctional city district that provides residents direct and easy access to the water. A promenade network connects the water to the more densely built-up area on one hand, and to the new local park and regional river path beyond.   

As a regenerated industrial peninsula, Offenbach Harbour is a transformed city district with varied access to the water and multi-functional urban space.

Transformative blue-green infrastructure

Working with the challenges presented by contaminated soil at a formerly industrial site, our design implements blue-green infrastructure to promote climate resilience. The plan is embedded with a range of innovative water-treatment solutions for retaining and cleansing stormwater before releasing it into the harbor and river. These include cleansing biotopes integrated into park spaces and the creation of new natural habitats intended to support riparian flora and fauna.     

Offenbach Harbor embodies a pragmatic vision for how climate adaptation can be achieved in urban contexts, reviving areas formerly in distress and creating ecologically responsive, attractive neighborhoods. It has prequalified for the prestigious DGNB Gold for a sustainable city district, comparable to a LEEDS Platinum rating, a European first.

Since the 1950s, Offenbach Harbor used to be a port for storing and moving things like petroleum, scrap metal, sand, and gravel. Now, it has become a new place for work, residential living, education, recreation, and enjoyment.


All contacts
Portrait of Dieter Grau

Executive Partner, Landscape Architect, BDLA, ASLA
Stefan Brückmann

Stefan Brückmann

Director Urban Hydrology, Partner, Civil Engineer for Hydrology and Environmental Technic

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